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2 3 歌詞. Content is updated by the minute and will keep any music lover entertained. New Shapes - Charli XCX. When the lights go down in the City And the sun shines on the bay Ooh I wanna be there in my City oh Oh oh oh So you think youre lonely Well my friend Im lonely.
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More precisely each line is composed of two segments of one yated and 2 tenuot which indeed makes 8 syllables. Updated daily with lyrics reviews features meanings and more. After the Rainの123歌詞ページです作詞まふまふ作曲まふまふポケットモンスター オープニング 歌いだしねえまだまだまだ急いで 歌ネットは無料の歌詞検索サービスです.
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Always with Me -. 2 contributors total last edit on Feb 01 2018. コンテンツ 表示1 世界一短い国家君が代に2番3番がある.
Oct 09 2021 Jesy Nelson 1 lyrics Joan 1 lyrics Justin Bieber 1 lyrics No Rome 3 lyrics related videos. It is strictly metrical written in lines of eight syllables. G 3-x-0-0-3-3 Cadd9 x-3-2-0-3-3 F6add9 x-x-3-2-3-3 ----- Intro G7sus4D Verse G C G F G Its been a hard days night and Ive been working like a dog G C G F G Its been a hard days night I should be sleeping Like a log C D G C G But when I get home to you I find the things that you do will make me feel all right Verse G C G F G You know I work all day to get you money to.
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